Consider this my big thumbs up to fluids

Bruges 2017

My name is Mustafa Bhotvawala. I’ve been working on numerical mathematics problems for a good part of the last half-decade, with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) problems occupying a major portion of my time. I juggle between the math and the programming – with active development of major open-source and commercial CFD solvers now being the focus of the recent part of my life.

You’re probably here because I also write – I like teaching and you’ve probably seen some instruction work from me floating around on the interweb. This site collates all instruction material and guides that I’ve written for myself that could be useful to anyone else in the field.

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I like computers and writing about them. I interact with them primarily through my interest in scientific computation. This is easiest when demonstrated to students of the field through open source tools like OpenFOAM, though I occasionally do write about other solvers. My course “Introduction to OpenFOAM Development” is hosted on one of the largest MOOC platforms in the world.

I currently work for ANSYS Inc. as a developer for our Fluent software. This is on the back of industry stints at R&D divisions of Ford Motor Company and Volkswagen AG. Furthermore, I hold a masters degree in Computational Science from the RWTH Aachen University in Germany, where I specialized in CFD and High Performance Computing (HPC). My CV is available on request (email me) – for a quicker overview, I recommend viewing my profile on LinkedIn. There is a blog section on this site which contains blog articles I write as a hobby and for education (you and me both!). This has no affiliation with ANSYS or any other entity.